Financials & Investors Info

Shareholder Information / General Shareholder info

Credit Rating

Credit Rating
29 Mar, 2024

Credit Rating
26 Feb, 2024


Credit Rating
31 Jan, 2023

Credit Rating
7 Dec, 2023


Credit Rating
15 Feb, 2022

Credit Rating
9 Jun, 2022


Credit Rating
1 Apr, 2021

Credit Rating
5 Apr, 2021


Credit Rating
30 Mar, 2020

Credit Rating
11 Jun, 2020

Credit Rating
11 Jun, 2020


Credit Rating Commercial Paper
1 Apr, 2019

Credit Rating
15 Mar, 2019


Credit Rating
2 Apr, 2018

Credit Rating
Credit Rating
Credit Rating
Credit Rating
Credit Rating
Credit Rating
Credit Rating
Credit Rating
Credit Rating
Credit Rating
Credit Rating
Credit Rating Commercial Paper
Credit Rating
Credit Rating
L 3 5 9 2 1 T N 1 9 6 0 P L C 0 0 4 1 7 5
Corporate Identification number
Exchanges traded on
The equity shares of the Company are listed on the National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. Further, the Company has been permitted for dealings on Bombay Stock Exchange under “Permitted Securities” Category
Registrar & Share transfer Agent
Cameo Corporate Services Limited, “Subramanian Building”,
No. 1, Club House Road, Chennai – 600 002
Phone : 044 – 28460390;
Fax : 044 – 28460129
E – Mail :
Share Transfer System
Share Transfers which are received in physical form are processed and the share certificate returned within a period of 15 days from the date of receipt, subject to the documents being valid and complete in all respects. The Company’s Registrar and Share Transfer Agent are entrusted with the work relating to share registry in terms of both physical and electronic mode.
Dematerialization of the shares & its liquidity
According to SEBI guidelines, the shares of the Company are to be traded in the demat form with effect from 26.03.2001.
Address for Investors Correspondence
Registrar & Share transfer Agent

Cameo Corporate Services Limited,
“Subramanian Building”,
No. 1, Club House Road, Chennai – 600 002
Phone : 044 – 28460390
Fax : 044 – 28460129
E – Mail :
Investors Correspondence / Compliance Officer

Ms. K V Lakshmi
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
Wheels India Limited, Padi, Chennai – 600 050
Phone: 044 – 26258511, Extn.: 2320,
Fax : 044 – 26257121
E- Mail:
Online Resolution of Disputes
Downloads Action
SEBI Circular dated 31-07-2023
SEBI Circular dated 04-08-2023
Weblink to access ODR:
Downloads Action
Form No. ISR-1
Form No. ISR-2
Form No. ISR-3
Form No. ISR-4
Form No. SH-13
Form No. SH-14
SEBI Circular Dated 25.01.2022
SEBI circular on physical shareholder with inadequate KYC

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