Corporate Social

Driving our core value through developing our communities

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Creating a bright future with our initiatives​

We cherish opportunities that help us usher in a brighter future for people across communities.


Assisting educational


Aiding farming

Women's Empowerment

Empowering women to
scale new heights


Making women's
health a priority


We encourage our
employees to volunteer

Assisting educational programs

Children living in villages have limited access to quality learning material. To augment conventional school-based teaching, Wheels India works with organizations to disseminate educational videos that make lessons fun and easy to understand.
We support organizations engaged in the creation and distribution of e-learning kits that can be used with regular TVs. These empower students with limited finances to continue their education at home.

Brightening up farmers' lives

As part of our outreach programs, we identify farmers in distress caused by crop failures, adverse weather, or unfavorable market demands. We offer moral and financial assistance to help them tide over the crisis.
We help farmers build bunds, enrich the soil with organic manure, and protect plants with bio-pesticides to rejuvenate degraded fields. We also offer aid for the construction of recharge pits and drip irrigation systems for sustainable groundwater management.
We organize periodic sessions to facilitate the exchange of knowledge among farmers and agriculturists. Crop scientists offer professional advice on best-suited seeds, fertilizers, management of pests and diseases, and harvesting methods.

Committed to women's welfare

Most young women from underprivileged sections of society need objective guidance on career choices. With our employability programs, we offer them professional counseling, training, and mentorship.
As part of Wheels India’s commitment to improving girls’ well-being, the company supports programs focusing on menstrual health and hygiene. The initiatives promote awareness through training and counseling and provide financial aid for the local production and distribution of sanitary pads.


At Wheels India, we zealously follow environment-friendly processes in compliance with international Environment Management System (EMS) guidelines. We are certified by independent auditors for our sustainable use of natural resources. We aspire to be an active stakeholder in initiatives for a cleaner, greener world.
Our team of volunteers scrupulously clean coastlines, removing garbage and pollutants. Our efforts help in the conservation of the fragile marine ecosystem that supports fish, turtles, birds, as well as fisherfolk who depend on aquatic animals for their livelihood.
Members of the Wheels India family regularly participate in sporting events that solicit public support and involvement in socially relevant causes such as children’s education and health.

Learn more about Wheels India

Learn how we have grown and what we have achieved so far. Get familiar with our leadership team.

History and Timeline

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Awards and Recognition

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Manufacturing Locations

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Partner with the engineering experts

We’re constantly raising the bar on engineering excellence. Our research capabilities, manufacturing competence, and world-class facilities are perfectly aligned to deliver products of outstanding quality.